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Optimization of operating costs and increase efficiency

We bring to your attention a comprehensive consulting project consists of 5 steps optimize operating costs and improve efficiency of your company:

1. Consulting for the diagnosis of company management system
Diagnosis of company management system: business processes, organizational structure, technology, management, motivation system, the system performance evaluation, management accounting and reporting, the level of automation, customer service, operating costs, operating costs, losses and shortfalls in income, number of staff levels of productivity and efficiency.

The result of consulting - a list of practical recommendations to improve the management system, of which 30% immediately implemented, and 70% should be linked with the strategy of the company. Reduce operating costs by 10%

2. Consulting on design development strategies as individual sectors, and overall company
Analysis of the needs of owners and managers of the business, conducting a modified SWOT analysis, identifying cause-effect relationships, analysis of results of operations, environmental, planning and approval stages of the strategy map of the strategic goals and objectives.

The result of consulting - a program of strategic development of the company for a period of 3 to 5 years.

3. Consulting for the development and implementation of logistics for optimizing operating costs of the enterprise
Logistics audit the level of development of all subsystems of logistics, identifying and assessing the potential economic impact of the introduction of inventory management, operations management, sales planning and production, transport and delivery, and ending with warehousing and distribution of products. Designing and developing a comprehensive program to modernize the logistics systems company focused on the strategic objectives of the company and the economic effect.

The result of consulting - efficient logistics system (acquisitions, planning, transport, distribution, warehouse). Reduce operating costs by 25%.

4. Consulting to develop and implement management systems company
Definition of technology management company, designing maps business processes "as it should be," an inventory of organizational and administrative documentation (regulations, orders, instructions, etc.), detailed design of business processes "as it should be" using the software system development motivation, management accounting and reporting.

The result of consulting - an effective system of management of the company "to be". Optimization of operating costs by 15%.

5. Consulting on the design and implementation of automated control systems company
Diagnosis of the level of development and effective use of automated systems management company, to develop technical requirements and technical specifications for the automation of trade and production business processes that support design and implementation of automation systems.

The result of consulting - improving productivity, strategic goals, reduce internal costs, operating costs, improved customer service levels and profitability. Optimization of operating costs by 20%.
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Optimization of operating costs and increase efficiency